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Mengenai Saya

Tanjung Pinang, KEPRI, Indonesia
gosak gosak gosak,leghah leghah leghah, hanco hanco hanco, besepai besepai besepai, beseghak beseghak beseghak

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Methane Isotope Analyzer

* Field deployable
* Easy to use
* Unsurpassed precision
* Low power

Due to its rugged, field-portable packaging, the Methane Isotope Analyzer is ideally suited for studies of methanogenic bacteria, methane hydrates, hydrothermal vent effluents, and other applications involving isotropic ratios in elevated levels of methane (>500 ppmv). The Analyzer provides parts per mil accuracy when measuring the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) of methane with precision better than 1‰ and a rapid response time (2 seconds). Because it does not require any sample preparation or user-intervention, this instrument also enables long-term methane isotope monitoring studies.
Based on high-resolution direct absorption spectroscopy, (for Theory go to lgrinc.com), the Methane Isotope Analyzer is self-calibrating and provides an absolute, accurate measurement of 13C/12C in methane without the need for expensive reference gases.
The instrument includes an internal computer that can store data practically indefinitely on its internal hard drive (for applications requiring unattended long-term operation) and send real-time data to a data logger through its analog and digital (RS232) outputs. In addition, an Ethernet connection allows remote access to data files stored on the instrument’s hard drive.

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